
This component is used to display a list of key facts. This block of facts communicates important facts about a course, for instance, and is prominently positioned at the top of a page.

Developer guidance

This component accepts an array of “facts” which is output as a description list in one to three columns dependent upon device.

Each fact consists of:

  • “term” - For example “Delivery type”
  • “data” - Array of one or more “content” items, for example “On campus”
    "facts": [
      "term": "Delivery type",
      "data": [
          "content": "On campus"
          "content": "Virtual"
{% if facts.length > 0 %}
<div class="uol-key-facts">
  <div class="uol-content-container">
    <div class="uol-col-container uol-col-container--key-facts">
      <dl class="uol-key-facts__list">
        {% for fact in facts %}
          <div class="uol-key-facts__group">
            <dt class="uol-key-facts__term">{{ fact.term }}</dt>
              {% for data in %}
                <dd class="uol-key-facts__data">{{ data.content | safe }}</dd>
              {% endfor %}
        {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="uol-key-facts">
    <div class="uol-content-container">
        <div class="uol-col-container uol-col-container--key-facts">
            <dl class="uol-key-facts__list">

                <div class="uol-key-facts__group">
                    <dt class="uol-key-facts__term">Item 1</dt>

                    <dd class="uol-key-facts__data">Value 1</dd>


                <div class="uol-key-facts__group">
                    <dt class="uol-key-facts__term">Item 2</dt>

                    <dd class="uol-key-facts__data">Value 1</dd>


                <div class="uol-key-facts__group">
                    <dt class="uol-key-facts__term">Item 3</dt>

                    <dd class="uol-key-facts__data">Value 1</dd>


                <div class="uol-key-facts__group">
                    <dt class="uol-key-facts__term">Item 4</dt>

                    <dd class="uol-key-facts__data">Value 1</dd>

                    <dd class="uol-key-facts__data">Value 2</dd>

                    <dd class="uol-key-facts__data">Value 3</dd>


                <div class="uol-key-facts__group">
                    <dt class="uol-key-facts__term">Item 5</dt>

                    <dd class="uol-key-facts__data">Value 1</dd>

                    <dd class="uol-key-facts__data">Value 2</dd>


  • Content:
    .uol-key-facts {
      background-color: $color-brand-2--light;
      TODO: width fix for fitting in to course pages incorporating scroll bar
      Do more robust solution whereby scrollbar width is calculated via using client width
      width: 100%;
      position: relative;
      left: 50%;
      right: 50%;
      margin-left: -50%;
      margin-right: -50%;
      margin-bottom: $spacing-7;
      @include media(">=uol-media-l") {
        width: calc(100vw - 9px);
        position: relative;
        margin-left: -50vw;
        margin-right: -50vw;
      .uol-key-facts__list {
        @extend .text-size-paragraph;
        font-variant-numeric: lining-nums;
        padding: 0;
        margin: $spacing-5 #{$spacing-4 / 2};
        width: 100%;
        @include media(">=uol-media-s", "<uol-media-l") {
          columns: 2;
          column-gap: $spacing-4;
          margin: $spacing-5 calc((1 / 12) * 100% + #{$spacing-2});
        @include media(">=uol-media-l") {
          columns: 3;
          margin: $spacing-4 #{$spacing-5 / 2};
          column-gap: $spacing-5;
        @include media(">=uol-media-xl") {
          margin: 2.25rem calc((1 / 12) * 100% + #{$spacing-6 / 2}) 2.25rem #{$spacing-6 / 2};
          column-gap: calc((100% + #{$spacing-6}) / 11 + #{$spacing-6});
      .uol-key-facts__group {
        break-inside: avoid;
        margin-bottom: $spacing-4;
        // background-color: rgba(#0FF, 0.3);
        &:last-child {
          // margin-bottom: 0;
        @include media(">=uol-media-l") {
          margin: 0;
          padding: $spacing-3 0;
      .uol-key-facts__term {
        font-weight: $font-weight-bold--sans-serif;
        color: $color-font--dark;
      .uol-key-facts__data {
        margin-left: 0;
      // Temp to fix alignment, there is probably better way to do this.
      .uol-col-container--key-facts {
        [class*=uol-col-] & {
          margin: 0;
        @include media(">=uol-media-l") {
          padding: 1rem 1.5rem;
  • URL: /components/raw/uol-key-facts/_key-facts.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/library/02-components/key-facts/_key-facts.scss
  • Size: 1.9 KB
  "facts": [
      "term": "Item 1",
      "data": [
          "content": "Value 1"
      "term": "Item 2",
      "data": [
          "content": "Value 1"
      "term": "Item 3",
      "data": [
          "content": "Value 1"
      "term": "Item 4",
      "data": [
          "content": "Value 1"
          "content": "Value 2"
          "content": "Value 3"
      "term": "Item 5",
      "data": [
          "content": "Value 1"
          "content": "Value 2"